- 氏名:
- バーデン ピーター
- カナ氏名:
- バーデン ピーター
- 所属:
- 大 学:経営学部 経営学科
大学院: - 学位
- 教育学博士 Doctor of Education (Ed.D)
- 役職
- 教授
担当科目(大学) | 教養演習,総合英語II,英語コミュニケーションII,ビジネス英会話I,アカデミック・ライティング |
担当科目(大学院) | |
研究室 | 7号館2階 |
オフィスアワー | (木)13:10〜14:10 |
E-mail: | burden-p@po.osu.ac.jp |
ホームページ: |
教育テーマ: | どうやって英語が上達しますか・英語力を磨く・外国語自体を楽しむ・内発的動機づけ(intrinsic motivation)・多読 |
研究テーマ: | 第一外国語(英語)習得、授業評価、、大学の「気風」、モチベーション、オンライン学習の改善、クラス外での学習 |
略歴: | ■略歴■ 平成2年4月 岡山商科大学商学部講師に採用 平成3年4月 岡山商科大学 講師〔英語 担当〕 平成10年4月 岡山商科大学 助教授〔英語 担当〕(平成19年3月まで) 平成19年4月岡山商科大学 准教授〔英語 担当〕 平成21年4月岡山商科大学 教授〔英語 担当〕(現在に至る) 2023年9月30日現在 |
業績: | ■主な著書■ 英語の世間話1 Let's have a natter 1…Small Talk in the Classroom (初級) 英語の世間話2 Let's have a natter 2…Small Talk in the Classroom (中級) An Examination of attitude change towards the use of Japanese in a university English "conversation" class平成16年4月RELC Journal.35/1 Journal of Language teaching and research in South East Asia. London: Continuum Publishers. Student perceptions of the causes of failure and the need to raise mastery expectations平成16年4月Conference Proceedings of the 2003 JALT Conference in Shizuoka. The Teacher as facilitator: Reducing anxiety in the EFL university classroom. 平成16年8月 1)JALT HOKKAIDO Journal. Vol8. Pp.3-18 2) ELT News Feb. 2005 The need to create a low anxiety classroom atmosphere when teaching “English conversation”at a Japanese university 平成16年10月 Do we practice what we teach? Influences of experiential knowledge of learning Japanese on classroom teaching of English平成16年10月全国語学教育学会(JALT)The Language Teacher 第28巻第10号 Learner beliefs about the enjoyment and usefulness of classroom activities and the effects on student motivation.平成17年7月岡山商大論叢第41巻第1号 Student ratings: meaningful voices or meaningless ritual?平成17年9月On Cue: Japan Association for Language Teaching & College University Educators Special English Group. 2005第13巻第2号 Learner beliefs and their effects on student motivation平成17年9月全国語学教育学会(JALT)The Language Teacher 第29巻第10号 The evaluation of teaching in a Japanese university context and its relation to students' beliefs about "effective" English teachers平成17年10月 岡山商大論叢第41巻第2号An evaluation of student ratings of teaching in a Japanese university context 平成19年2月 "Evaluating teacher effectiveness in ESL/EFL contexts" (pp.152-167).University of Michigan Press, Michigan, USA A look at the introduction of ethos indicators as an evaluation tool in Scotland, and the potential for use in Japanese tertiary education平成19年3月岡山商大論叢第43巻第3号 Reflecting on different worlds: How experiential knowledge from learning Japanese has informed the teaching practice of ELT teachers平成19年11月JALT Journal第29巻第2号 An analysis of teachers' negative reactions to the implementation of student evaluation of teaching surveys (SETs) in Japan平成19年11月"Language and languages: Global and local tensions"(pp.307-328). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. UK. The use of "ethos indicators" in tertiary education in Japan平成19年11月"Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education Journal (University of Bath, United Kingdom)第33巻第4号 Does the use of end of semester evaluation forms represent teachers' views of teaching in a tertiary education context in Japan?平成20年8月Teaching and Teacher Education Journal. (Elsevier, UK) 第24巻第4号 ELT teacher views on the appropriateness for teacher development of end of semester student evaluation of teaching in a Japanese context平成20年9月 System Journal. (Elsevier, UK) 第36巻第3号 Benefit or bane?: Teachers’reflections on the usefulness of Student Evaluation of Teaching surveys (SETs)有益それとも悩みの種?学生による授業評価の有効性に関する教師の見解?平成20年10月 On Cue: Japan Association for Language Teaching & College University Educators Special English Group. 2008第2巻 Fight or flight? Anxiety in the EFL conversation classroom from a Japanese tertiary student perspective平成22年2月 "Developing Oral Skills in English" (pp.26-46) TESOL Arabia. Dubai, UAE Creating confusion or creative evaluation? The use of student evaluation of teaching surveys in Japanese tertiary education平成22年6月 Journal of Educational Assessment and Evaluation Accountability. Springer (UK)第22巻 The mechanization of teaching: teachers’ metaphors and evaluation in Japanese tertiary education 平成23年1月 全国語学教育学会(JALT)The Language Teacher 第35巻第1号 A case study into teacher perceptions of the introduction of Student Evaluation of Teaching surveys (SETs) in Japanese tertiary education平成23年3月The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly 第11巻第1号 The usefulness of Student Evaluation of Teaching surveys(SETs) for English language faculty in Tertiary Education in Japan平成24年3月岡山商大論叢第47巻第3号 Teacher perceptions of the introduction of student evaluation of teaching in Japanese tertiary education平成24年4月 "Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Student Feedback in Social Sciences." Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge UK. Student evaluation in Japanese universities: Is ELT a disadvantaged profession in Japanese tertiary education? 平成25年2月 "Quality in ELT; Raising Pedagogic Standards." Proceedings of 2012 Oman International ELT Conference. Muscat. The Language Centre; Sultan Qaboos University. Teaching style insights and learning attitudes of Japanese tertiary education students平成25年11月 岡山商大論叢第49巻第2号 Tertiary Teachers' views on the useful of student evaluation of teaching surveys (SETs) and a model for improvement平成26年12月"Knowledge, skills and competencies in FL education." Proceedings of the sixth CLS International Conference. Singapore: National University of Singapore Demotivation, amotivation or over-motivation? An Action research project investigating antecedent attitudes to English among Japanese university students平成27年4月岡山商大論叢第51巻第1号57. Student evaluation of teaching surveys (SETs) and antecedent beliefs about English language learning平成27年4月. Best Practice in ELT: Voices from the Classroom co-edited by Christine Coombe and Rubina Khan. TESOL Arabia Publications. Comparing Two Qualitative Teaching Evaluation Data Collection Methods"平成29年5月"KOTESOL Proceedings 2016 Shaping the Future: With 21st Century Skills Proceedings of the Korea TESOL International Conference" An Action research project on plagiarism in an Academic Writing class平成29年6月岡山商大論叢第53巻第1号 Comparing two methods of gaining qualitative feedback data from University students to encourage teaching improvement. Asian EFL Journal. 平成29年12月第20巻第12号 Student Views on Studying English Abroad in a Globalized Era平成30年6月岡山商大論叢第54巻第1号 Student views on visiting foreign countries and studying English abroad in a globalized era. Korea TESOL Journal. 平成31年6月 2018第14巻第2号 Belifs and attitude change among tertiary students towards English education in the Global Age.平成32年6月岡山商大論叢第55巻第1号 Is Willingness to Study Abroad a Gender Issue? If So, What Can We Do? ETA-ROC. Selected Papers from the 28th International Symosium on English Teaching. November, 2019. Do Japanese University Students Wantto Study Abroad?"The Japan Association for Language Teaching Volume 44, Number 2 March / April 2020. The Language Teacher pp.3-11. Day One Demotivation in a Communicative English Class at a Japanese University.2021年11月岡山商大論叢第56巻第2号. Using Student Voice Recordings to Aid Teacher Reflection and Improve Online Teaching Practice.2022年7月"Handbook of Research on Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education (pp.74-93)". Hershey, USA. IGI Global publications. Goodwill or Wind Chill? The Importance of Evaluating Ethos Within Japanese tertiary Education.2023年4月"Handbook of Research on Global perspectives on language Teacher Identity" (pp.372-395). Hershey, USA. IGI Global publications. Out-of-class English language media use among University students and how to encourage learner autonomy. 2023年6月岡山商大論叢第59巻第1号 Using Student Voice Recordings to Aid Teacher Reflection and Improve Online Teaching Practice (2022). Handbook of Research on Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education edited by S Karpava (pp.74-93). Hershey, USA: IGI Global publications. Abstract In this reflective, action research study during the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak, I sought a snapshot of Japanese university students’ opinions of learning online. The views, insights, and suggestions for improvement on online learning were analyzed through key word analysis from audio voice recordings submitted by 103 learners. Commonalities included feelings of isolation and loneliness, worries over computer skills, and anxiety and stress in coping with often difficult classwork assignments without support from teachers and other classmates. I also discuss what students’ specifically liked and disliked about the teaching approach used, and their suggestions for improvement. Goodwill or Wind Chill? The Importance of Evaluating Ethos Within Japanese Tertiary Education (pp. 357-371). In Karpava, S. (Ed.). Global Perspectives on teacher Identity. Hershey, USA: IGI Global publications. The impact of the working environment has been shown to either strengthen or constrain teacher identity, and a strong and vital university ethos has the potential to raise the levels of both teacher and student engagement. Teachers are shaped by institutional cultures, and ethos is a key determinant in promoting social and emotional well-being and mental health for all. A collegial and supportive ethos with a sense of community and support is essential for teacher identity to flourish. Yet what is “ethos”? It can be described as institutional core values, attitudes, beliefs, and culture, or, more simply in terms of personal aspects such as the positive attitudes of teachers and students. This chapter examines the ethos in a university in Western Japan through an ‘ethos indicator’ questionnaire administered to 237 first year students. Five constructs, ‘atmosphere,’ ‘fostering relationships,’ ‘pressure,’ ‘classroom stimulation,’ and ‘values’ emerged from the data. However, there are some indications that the university is not meeting some students’ learning needs – perhaps an indication of ‘wind chill.’ The findings act as a ‘tin-opener’ into the culture of the institution and indicate that the ethos works for many students, but others feel a lack of challenge. This suggests that this institution is not pushing its students hard enough. Tertiary establishments may well benefit from institutional evaluation of ethos to understand student feelings and for the development of teacher identity. 2023年9月30日現在 |
(1)分野 | 研究 (教育学) |
テーマ | 学習意欲を高めること |
説明 | 言語習得、動機付け・学習態度・学習概念・学習不安・などの学習の心理面の研究に従事しております。 |
(2)分野 | 研究 (教育学) |
テーマ | 授業評価 |
説明 | 307名の学生を対象に行なった量的調査の結果を論ずる。調査では、学生が授業評価の記入をする価値のあるものと考えているかどうか、評価が悪かった教師はどうなると思うか、評価の目的は何だと思うか、何を評価すればいいと思うかなどを尋ねた。 |
(3)分野 | 研究 (教育学) |
テーマ | 大学「校風」 |
説明 | 学生の教育上有効な経験の一部分として学校自体が持つ「校風」を探求する「大学評価」の研究を行っております。「校風」は学習環境を打開するものとして作用します。 |